6º Encontro Brasileiro de Economia e Finanças Comportamentais -6th Brazilian Behavioral Economics and Finance Meeting

  • Call for Papers
    Call for Papers - Sixth Brazilian Behavioral Economics and Finance Meeting
      The Center for Behavioral Finance & Economics, at FGV – Fundação Getulio Vargas, will host the 6th Brazilian Behavioral Economics and Finance Meeting. The meeting offers a dedicated forum for exchange of research findings and professional advances related to the field of behavioral finance and economics, with the purpose of disseminating research and enquiry in the area of Behavioral Finance & Economics.

    Theoretical, Empirical/Experimental, and Applied works that involve the application of psychology and all other social sciences, as well as neuroscience, to all areas of financial decision-making and practice will be considered for presentation at the meeting.


    Paper submission guidelines

    1. Deadline for paper submissions: June 2th, 2019
    No registration fees for authors whose papers are accepted.

    2. Paper Submission Process
    Manuscripts must be submitted by e-mail to: cbfc@fgv.br

    3. File Format
    All submissions must be in MS Word or PDF. Please send two separate files:
    a. Cover sheet: Paper title, author’s information and three keywords.
    b. The paper: to facilitate the blind review process, please leave the authors’ name off the body of the manuscript. Be sure to check headers and footers and file properties to avoid the authors’ names.
    Font: Times New Roman, size 10 pt.
    Paper size: A4
    Margins: top, left and right: 3/4” (2 cm), bottom 1/2” (1.25 cm)
    Justification: both margins
    Line space: double

    4. Size and length
    There is a 25-page limit for submissions which includes all tables, charts, appendices, and references.
    The abstract must be no longer than 100 words

    5. Languages
    Portuguese, Spanish or English


    For any question you may email us at: nfc@fgv.br

    Call for Papers

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