2º Encontro Brasileiro de Economia e Finanças Comportamentais
Call for Papers
Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) will host the Second Brazilian Behavior Economics and Finance Meeting in august 18-19, 2015. This meeting is designed for the general public, including professionals, academia, and students.
Click here to register.
Paper submission guidelines:
Deadline for paper submissions: JUNE 1st, 2015
- Paper Submission Process:
- Manuscripts must be submitted by e-mail (CBFC@fgv.br)
- File Format:
- All submissions must be in MS Word or PDF.
- Please send two files:
- Cover sheet: Paper title, author’s information and three key words.
- The paper: To facilitate the blind review process, please leave the authors' name off the body of the manuscript. Be sure to check headers and footers and file property for the authors name.
- Font: Times New Roman, size 10 pt.
- Paper size: A4
- Margins: top, left and right: 3/4 " (2 cm),bottom 1/2" (1.25 cm)
- Justification: both margins
- Line space: double
- Size and length: There is a 25 page limit for submissions which includes all table, charts, appendices, and references. The abstract must be no more than 100 words
- Languages: Portuguese, Spanish or English
- All accepted papers may be published in Meeting website.
- Only papers included in the program and presented by one of the authors will be included in the meeting proceedings.
- Meeting registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. At least one author per paper must register and pay the registration fees.
- Remember that the last day for authors to register is July 17th to be included in the meeting program and to present their paper at the meeting.
ParticipantRegistrationProfessionalsR$500ProfessorsR$350StudentsR$250 -
Clique aqui para ter acesso ao arquivo da programação.
Debatedores dos Painéis de Mercado:
Dia 18/08/2015 - Finanças Comportamentais na Prática:
Ana Claudia Silva Leoni (Superintendência de Educação ANBIMA - Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais)
Fabiano Calil (Planejador Financeiro)
Martin Iglesias (Gerente de Produtos de Investimento - ItaúUnibanco)
Dia 19/08/2015 - Finanças Comportamentais e o Comportamento de Crédito:
Charles Nogueira Ferraz (ItaúUnibanco)
Jurandir Macedo (UFSC e Instituto de Educação Financeira)
Thiago Alvarez (Fundador e Co-CEO GuiaBolso)
Artigos Encontro
Vieses e Processo Decisório
Berenice Righi Damke, Ricardo Rochman, William Eid Junior
Hugo Garbe
Bruno Oliveira Guimarães Diniz, Veronica F. Brugugnoli
Gustavo Rodrigues Cunha
Felipe Felix Soares de Sousa
Pedro Luiz Albertin Bono Milan, William Eid Junior
Maurício Silveira Lersch
João Gabriel de Castro e Pena
Anderson Luiz Rezende Mól, Clayton Levy Lima de Melo
Ani Caroline Grigion Potrich e Ana Luiza Paraboni, Daniel Arruda Coronel, Jéssica Pulino Campara, Kelmara Mendes Vieira, Reisoli Bender Filho
Pierre Lucena, Valéria Louise Saturnino
Cecília Pereira Sassi, Flávio Leonel de Carvalho, Maiara Cavallaro, Orsélio Pereira Junior
Cíntia Meireles Urbina, Ricardo Rochman, William Eid Junior
Vera Rita de Mello Ferreira
Cíntia Meireles Urbina, William Eid Junior
Adriane Maria Moro Mendes, Erico de Lima Azevedo
Édner Bitencourt Castilho
Gabriel Kumakura Padovesi
Luiz Guilherme Leite de Moraes, Newton C. A. da Costa Jr, Sérgio da Silva
Pierre Lucena Raboni, Ricardo Cavalvante
Claudio Garcia, Fernando Fernandes Neto
Odilon Saturnino, Pierre Lucena
Claudia Silvia Araujo
Tarcísio Pedro da Silva, Thiago Bruno de Jesus Silva, Vanessa Edy Dagnoni Mondini
Laurindo Panucci Filho, Marcello Christiano Gorla, Tarcísio Pedro da Silva