2º Encontro Brasileiro de Economia e Finanças Comportamentais

  • Call for Papers

    Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) will host the Second Brazilian Behavior Economics and Finance Meeting in august 18-19, 2015. This meeting is designed for the general public, including professionals, academia, and students.

    Click here to register.

    Paper submission guidelines:

    • Deadline for paper submissions: JUNE 1st, 2015

    • Paper Submission Process:
    1. Manuscripts must be submitted by e-mail (CBFC@fgv.br)
    2. File Format:
      • All submissions must be in MS Word or PDF.
      • Please send two files:
        1. Cover sheet: Paper title, author’s information and three key words.
        2. The paper: To facilitate the blind review process, please leave the authors' name off the body of the manuscript. Be sure to check headers and footers and file property for the authors name.
      • Font: Times New Roman, size 10 pt.
      • Paper size: A4
      • Margins: top, left and right: 3/4 " (2 cm),bottom 1/2" (1.25 cm)
      • Justification: both margins
      • Line space: double
      • Size and length: There is a 25 page limit for submissions which includes all table, charts, appendices, and references. The abstract must be no more than 100 words
      • Languages: Portuguese, Spanish or English
      • All accepted papers may be published in Meeting website.
      • Only papers included in the program and presented by one of the authors will be included in the meeting proceedings. 
      • Meeting registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. At least one author per paper must register and pay the registration fees.
      • Remember that the last day for authors to register is July 17th to be included in the meeting program and to present their paper at the meeting.
  • Programação

    Clique aqui para ter acesso ao arquivo da programação.

    Debatedores dos Painéis de Mercado:

    • Dia 18/08/2015 - Finanças Comportamentais na Prática:

      •  Ana Claudia Silva Leoni (Superintendência de Educação ANBIMA - Associação Brasileira das Entidades dos Mercados Financeiro e de Capitais)

      • Fabiano Calil (Planejador Financeiro)

      • Martin Iglesias (Gerente de Produtos de Investimento - ItaúUnibanco)

    • Dia 19/08/2015 - Finanças Comportamentais e o Comportamento de Crédito:

      • Charles Nogueira Ferraz (ItaúUnibanco)

      • Jurandir Macedo (UFSC e Instituto de Educação Financeira)

      • Thiago Alvarez (Fundador e Co-CEO GuiaBolso)

Artigos Encontro


Fotos do evento